Timestamp and OCSP service Our timestamp service is a qualified service supervised by the Hungarian Telecommunications Authority. holds a 250 MHUF (~one million euro) insurance liability policy. The General Terms of Contract and Terms of Services accepted by the authority may be found on the following link: Microsec Ltd. Microsec is fully licensed Qualified Archiving Service Provider enacted by the Hungarian Telecommunications Authority according to the Hungarian Act on Electronic Signatures. We provide qualified digital signature certificates, authentication certificates, encryption certificates, SSL and code signing certificates. The company is a fully licensed and authorized qualified certification electronic signature service provider and certificate authority supervised by the Hungarian Telecommunications Authority according the Hungarian Act on Electronic Signatures. The current employee number is 44, half of which are IT and telecommunications engineers. Our revenue in the fiscal year of 2008 reached HUF 1,5 bn, that is approximately MEUR 6. The company has experienced a rapid growth in the past few years, due the explosive development of the electronic signature market. It was formed by Hungarian individuals, all of them engineers.
has been involved in the electronic signature market since its Hungarian apparition in The company was established in 1984 as a software development company and has been active since then. e-szigno Digital Signature Application Microsec Software Development Ltd Budapest, Záhony utca 7.