How to get darkrp gamemode
How to get darkrp gamemode

how to get darkrp gamemode

I personally believe that Hide n´Seek is the best gamemode to expand into, and that so much could be done with it. They could be implemented with a really similar format to TTT in terms of ranks and pointshops. If you analize it, the two gamemodes previusly mentioned (Prop Hunt and Hide n´Seek) share all of these qualities with TTT. Its a very simple gamemode, and that attracts a bigger potential playerbase. TTT has always been this gamemode where you get on, you quickly read some rules and then you just start shooting. How easy it is to get into: DarkRP is a gamemode that takes a lot to learn, and I think what threw most players off from SMC was how complicated it was.You dont have to account for players raiding you and stuff, you just get on the server and play the game. The replayability: You can hop on this gamemode in 2 years and get the same experience quality that you got 2 years before (even better, if it was updated) so it keeps the game fresh and exciting, making more people come back every day to play some rounds.The fun factor: You can play it alone or with friends and you will still get a blast interacting with all the people and playing the game.The charm that makes TTT such a long lasting gamemode is: If I could apport something, I would like to suggest that you guys (the upper admins and developer team) consider expanding into a more renewable, replayable, easy to get into gamemode. What I have found with my expiriences with it is that it can get very mondane and tedious after some time, and since that is exactly the cause why SMC is in a bad state I dont believe we should follow that path further. I personally just believe that DarkRP is the wrong gamemode to expand into.

How to get darkrp gamemode